Gentle Sleep Solutions – Children in Beds


The Only Sleep Training Course for Children in Beds

Surprise! Your little baby is now an independent person, and everything you thought you knew about sleep training has gone out the window – especially since your child is in a bed. All that’s standing between you and a solid night sleep is a little consistency, a little time and our easy to follow, no-cry-it-out and flexible sleep training method – made specifically for children in beds.

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Course Description & Overview


You’ve muddled through your child’s bedtime by trying anything and everything to get them to fall asleep and actually stay in their bed, but you’re still not sleeping solidly.

Is your child struggling with:

Staying In Bed

Your child will happily get in bed at bedtime, but is out and moving around the house in the night

Bedtime Routine

You have no routine in place and rely on laying with, reading to or rocking your child to fall asleep

Early Rising

You child is up before the sun ever since moving to a bed – much earlier than you ever anticipated


We are fans of co-sleeping, but you could have accidentally began co-sleeping just to get through the night and now you want to end it and move your child to their own bed


You don’t have to feel this way anymore. Even if you’ve previously sleep trained your child when they were a baby and in a crib, you can start sleeping in two weeks with our proven course, Gentle Sleep Solutions, made specifically for children in beds.

Don’t settle for a copy – we are the original, proven and only sleep training solution for independent children in beds and are confident we can help your family get back to sleep.

“This worked for my daughter who, at three years old, had slept through the night less than a dozen times in her life. We tried every method we could get our hands on, and stuck to each of the methods for long enough that we should have seen some progress. Nothing worked …   But [Gentle Sleep Solutions] worked.”

~ Jennifer


Creator Kim West has 25 years of experience sleep training – more than any other sleep training course out there

Uses a gentle approach with no crying-it-out or leaving your child alone

Allows parents to be flexible in their sleep training plan

Is shame-free – we’ll never tell you to stop doing something like co-sleeping, feeding in the night or room-sharing, but rather give you the best options to continue doing those things while sleep training

Was created with your baby’s emotional well-being as the top priority

“I would highly recommend the system to anyone who’s ready to sleep more each night.”

~ Nicole Lee



120 minutes of instructional, easy-to-follow videos covering all concerns including crying, night-weaning, napping and gently weaning off sleep crutches

Walk-through of creating your own personalized sleep plan that is customized to your baby’s and family’s needs

Membership in our exclusive online Facebook group

Access to 1:1 help from a Gentle Sleep Coach

Timely follow-up tips that will help you through every step of the sleep training process


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Refund Policy

Inspection of Product:
You must access the Products within three (3) weeks of your purchase.  If any Program is unsatisfactory, after viewing at least 10% of the Product but not more than 40% of the Product, you must notify the Company at once. The Company will not consider any claim for refund or exchange more than thirty (30) days from the date of purchase.

The Company may accept a request for refund or exchange of a Product in the event that the Product is unsatisfactory to You, or the Company may, in its sole discretion, exchange the Product. Any refunds or exchanges will be made in accordance with Company’s refund or exchange policies in effect on the date of the exchange.  If the Product(s) you purchased from the Company are (1) unviewable due to a technology issue on the part of Company or a third-party vendor of Company; (2) possesses inaccurate information; (3) lacks educational benefit; or (4) there was a clear mistake by the Company when fulfilling your order with respect to the Product ordered, you may cease access of the Product and request a refund or exchange of the Product to the Company up to thirty (30)  days from the date of receipt.  You must meet the Inspection of Products requirements provided above, except where there was a mistake in fulfilling the order request. The Company’s refund and exchange policy is limited to the circumstances listed above. NOTE: Some courses may have different refund policies and terms. Those will be noted in the course description prior to your purchase. Policies found within an individual course description will supersede the policy provided here.

To request a refund or exchange of Products, you must contact the Company using the contact form on the website, with the subject line stating “Refunds” to receive a refund or exchange, and include the reason for the requested refund or exchange.  The Company reserves the right to refuse to refund or exchange any Product if it determines upon investigation that You did not meet the Inspection of Products requirement, or the request fails to provide a valid reason for the request.

Claims must be made within thirty (30) days of sale.

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